Promotion of the joint educational programme of the Biryuch Innovation Centre and ROSBIOTECH University Master's Degree Programme
Client: ‘Biryuch is one of the largest innovation centres in Russia. Among the areas the centre is developing are biotechnologies.
Situation: ‘Biryuch, in collaboration with the Pushchino branch of ROSBIOTECH University, is creating a new space for university graduates to work and study.
Objective: To attract bachelor's degree graduates in natural sciences to participate in the programme - to collect 100 leads in a month.
What we did:
At the first stage, we chose classic tools - VKontakte and RFM targeted advertising. We were targeting graduates who wanted to enter a master's programme. Although traffic started to dwindle towards the end, we collected 100 leads within the specified timeframe.
The client asked to collect more leads, as many as possible. The new deadline was two weeks. Given the depletion of channels, we decided to make a VKontakte chatbot to increase the conversion rate. The bot worked, but the leads were growing weakly. Then we started to think about what else to try.
We decided to reconsider the target audience. Now we focused on science graduates looking for a job. The main thing was that they should be of a suitable age. We placed a vacancy on HeadHunter - we created adverts in different regions and connected paid services, including promotion to the top in the selected geography. The result justified the effort.
Result: A total of 380 leads were collected. Thanks to this new way of promotion, we collected twice as many leads in two extra weeks as we did with conventional online advertising in a month.